Art Chowder September | October 2023 Issue 47 | Page 65

Terrain hosted their first Arts Bazaar in 2014 , and met with immediate success . A central downtown location and 50-plus vendors ensured great visibility and saw traffic of about 8,000 people . According to their website , by “ 2021 , 75 vendors sold ~$ 150,000 worth of art and handmade goods and approximately 20,000 attended the event .” Bazaar continues to grow each year , establishing itself as Spokane ’ s largest outdoor market — big enough to close Main Street in front of River Park Square , as well as parts of Lincoln and Wall streets . The central location ensures convenience and visibility , allowing booths and crowds to spread out comfortably .

This year ’ s Bazaar , held in June 2023 , boasted 126 booths featuring 143 local artists . The celebration included a full stage for live music , a photo booth , food trucks , and child friendly activities .
A wonderfully wide range of artists were featured . On display were large original paintings , pottery , prints , plushies , soaps , terrariums , jewelry , and even a giraffe skull ! Volunteers and organizers attested to the desire to be inclusive and diverse . Key criteria in selecting participants was to enable offering a varied range of affordable work for customers , as well as to give sales opportunity
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