was that the vibes were good , and the people friendly . The weather was cool and pleasant , the crowd well managed , and the musical lineup provided a fun and energetic atmosphere . The event itself was large enough to be spotted from several blocks away and attracted both targeted traffic and many curious passersby .
Terrain ’ s ultimate mission with the Art Bazaar is to help artists cultivate relationships with consumers they may not normally encounter . To this end , the Bazaar is large , well-advertised , and its wide variety of items available attracts a diverse range of people . The primary way they accomplish this mission though , is via one of their more unique requirements . To be eligible to have a booth in Terrain ’ s Art Bazaar , artists must have at least 50 percent of their booth inventory items priced at one hundred dollars or less . There were plenty of beautiful pieces of fine art , but artists also created stickers , prints , smaller pieces , and more to encourage those on a budget to stay and look .
to many experience levels of artists . Some artists have been doing events with Terrain for years , while for others , this was their very first show . New and seasoned alike , most artists put their best foot forward , creating nearly three blocks of beautiful displays . Artisans with handmade goods were friendly , took care in their displays , and had great things to say about their experience .
It was interesting , however , to see the amount of space dedicated to non-artisan wares — including , but not limited to , plants in plastic pots and three entire spaces taken up by cardboard boxes of screen-printed T-shirts sitting on the pavement without a canopy , table , or otherwise thoughtful display . Considering that the announcement of final vendors was delayed three times due to the rigor of their selection process and large number of applications , this was a perplexing choice .
Artisans were pleased with the traffic and ambiance ; the overwhelming consensus
The pricing requirement makes the market very friendly to vendors just beginning their path in art and encourages more visitor spending . Organizers explained they hope that by providing an affordable entry point , artists can sell pieces to people who would not normally consider purchasing from them , and over time develop meaningful relationships with some of this new clientele . This also made the market more fun than most art shows of its kind for Gen Z and millennial customers , who are notorious for loving local art , but being limited to strict budgets . Targeting a younger audience with on-trend , creative , and lower-cost pieces certainly has the potential to lay the foundation for growing new , fruitful customer relationships , with people that otherwise may be difficult for artists to reach .
If you couldn ’ t make it downtown for the Bazaar this year , follow Terrain on Facebook and Twitter for updates about next year ’ s event , or consider supporting the nonprofit in other ways . Terrain regularly hosts art exhibitions at their location in downtown Spokane . Later this year , you will get a chance to shop local again by attending the winter version of this event , the indoors “ BRRRzaar ” on Saturday , December 16th . Until then , don ’ t hesitate to check out local listings for more handmade markets scheduled around the city all summer long .