ACT MTMPP Midterm Grant Report | Final | July 1 , 2024 through December 31 , 2024
o New subscribers receive a welcome email , then receive the once-a-month visitor email .
• ACT Partner Emails o Three sent in this period , Open rate of 51 % ( up 2 % from previous period ) o 1,590 subscribers o New subscribers added manually , content includes tools and programs for businesses to grow as well as ACT content that is easy to share or partner on .
ACT built and launched a new website replaced the existing Techshare website originally built in 2008 . The new website makes better use of visual assets and moves visitors through seasons , major activity attractions , events , and special offers . Phase one of the website project is complete and revisions are planned for spring of 2025 to iron out programming and layout problems within the site . Phase two includes SEO and the buildout of a digital MapBox that correlates with events , business , and geographical features so visitors can better understand the placement of attractions , landmarks , and transportation .
ACT staff have spent a considerable amount of time repurposing old content and reformatting it to the new platform . New content was created around stakeholder engagement in a self-serve end of the site named ACT Partners , this will increase stakeholder engagement and better highlight the tools and programs ready for use by businesses in the region . ACT Partners Dashboard is a login portion of the site where usergenerated content such as business listings , events , and special offers may be published . The new website launch was key to the successful vacation giveaway as page load speeds are better than the previous website .
3,894 people enrolled ( up 1,202 from 2022 ) in the Winter Weekend Getaway Giveaway for the chance to win a travel package with an estimated value of $ 2,230 . This activity provided $ 1,050 in cash match from donated hotel rooms and gift basket items . This activity works beginning at the tradeshow loop in October where a person would enter the drawing on the digital landing page after a strong conversation with the ACT tradeshow representative . A confirmation email sends helpful tips and tools for planning a winter vacation to Maine . A follow-up email to remind them to invite their friends to enter . An email with a final reminder and post-email announcement . This in all allowed us to send 12,400 marketing emails with an open rate of 40 % ( down from 72 % in 2022 ). This campaign is the best way to put the tools and inspirations in front of people during critical late fall planning for winter getaways . A live drawing for the giveaway was held at the Houlton Visitor Information