Aroostook County MTMPP Grant Report 2025 | Page 5

ACT MTMPP Grant Report | Final | July 1 , 2023 through June 30 , 2024
o The summer iteration ran a 0:30 Come North video from May 1 through June 30 in a in 45-mile radius areas of Syracuse NY , Epping NH , Scranton PA , and Portland , ME as no skippable views . 270,622 impressions , 96,007 reach .
• Broadcast Marketing programming was executed to produce a three-minute piece ( https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = a-pA9T8nKm8 & t = 2s ) promoting the Top of New England . The piece featured Fort Kent and America ’ s First Mile , Fort Fairfield and ATVing , and the Oakfield railroad museum , and Golfing . It aired 28 times in seven markets ( Hartford , Binghamton , Burlington , Watertown , Bangor , Presque Isle , and Springfield ) between June 15 and July 5 . This ad buy offered a promotional of 50,000 impressions of banner ads displaying on wagmtv . com promoting click-throughs to comenorth . org summer landing page .
• Christmas Greetings from Aroostook – A short 15-second slideshow advertisement of ACT ran as a suggested destination on Maine Public Broadcasting on December 23rd and 24th of 2023 during the Christmas Greetings from Aroostook program .
Canadian Advertising
• The East Coast Traveler features three full-page advertisements pointing visitors to find travel information at www . visitaroostook . com or by calling 1-888-216-2463 . Primary distribution at 400 locations in Quebec , New Brunswick , and Nova Scotia 60,000 printed and digital distribution is seen here : https :// theeastcoasttraveler . com /
• Western New Brunswick Tourism is a new initiative just over the border from Houlton . Barb Sharp ( barb . sharp @ rsc12 . ca ) is in the newly created role as Destination Developer at Western Valley Regional Service Commission . Barb helped ACT place 240 copies of The County Regional Guidebook in three visitor centers in the province .
• YouTube Preroll ran in May through June 30 in the ACT Canadian Market with a 0:30 piece for Come On Over . 152,991 impressions and 88,227 completed views .
# VisitAroostook ACT designed and created materials to display at organizations and businesses in the region while the website transitioned to a new platform . Welcome signage , table toppers , coasters , and yard signs were designed utilizing the language from “ Maine ’ s Best Winter ”. The designs were placed at 16 trailheads and landmarks , 12 restaurants and bars , and 4 hotels – this provided repetition to viewers . Placing materials like this requires a lot of conversation between ACT and the business / organization utilizing the materials this has been the perfect time to remind stakeholders what ACT is and why they should attend the 2024 Aroostook County Tourism Summit .
• Coasters - promote # VisitAroostook and are scannable to the Snowmobile Trail Map on JooMag . 10,000 ordered , 2,200 arrived . The original supplier could not fulfill the order so ACT rushed an order through a different supplier and paid a premium .
• Table Toppers - 200 ordered , promote # VisitAroostook and a survey
• Welcome Signage - 100 ordered , promote # VisitAroostook
• Lawn Signs - 100 ordered , promote # VisitAroostook and Maine Trail Finder
• Experience Maine magazine ’ s winter edition and summer edition each ran a two-page center spread promoting The County utilizing playful language from “ Maine ’ s Best Winter ” campaign and inspiring the ‘ quiet side of Maine ’. 120,000 printed and digital distribution