Aroostook County MTMPP Grant Report 2025 | Page 4

ACT MTMPP Grant Report | Final | July 1 , 2023 through June 30 , 2024
Audience : Facebook – 15,875 page followers to date . Increase of 39 % over the same period last year . Instagram – 4,632 followers to date . Increase of 433 over the same period last year . YouTube – 404 subscribers to date . Increase of 89 over the same period last year . Pinterest – 97 followers to date . Increase of 16 over the same period last year . Threads – 940 followers to date . Joined the platform October 18 th , 2023 . TikTok – 190 followers to date . Joined the platform October 18 th , 2023 . Robly Visitors – 17,522 active email contacts to date . Increase of 6,898 over the same period last year . Robly Stakeholders – 1,018 active email contacts to date . Increase of 244 over the same period last year .
Influence : Website www . visitaroostook . com – No data , Google analytics were lost for this performance period due to website migration . This website has been migrated into a new layout and style . Website share . visitaroostook . com – No data , Google analytics were lost for this performance period due to website migration . This website has been deleted . Website guide . visitaroostook . com – No data , Google analytics were lost for this performance period due to website migration . This website has been deleted . Facebook – 2,100,000-page reach an increase of 131 %, 69,881 interactions an Increase of 43.9 % in interactions over the same period last year . Instagram – 331,100-page reach an Increase of 1,000 % ( due to viral content types ) in reach over the same period last year , 4,300 content interactions in this period up 100 %. YouTube – 24,200 video views , 441 hours watched in this period . Pinterest – 270,820 impressions . Decrease of 38 % over the same period last year , 5,650 engagements . Threads – No data . Tiktok – No data . Robly Visitors – 10 sent , 50,139 emails opened marking an average open rate of 33 % for the period . Robly Stakeholders – 6 sent , 3,122 emails opened marking an average open rate of 56 % for the period .
Print Marketing : o Maine Invites You features three full-page advertisements pointing visitors to find travel information at www . visitaroostook . com or by calling 1-888-216-2463 . ACT participates in the coop advertising buy for Maine Invites You and featured nine businesses . This partnership brought $ 11,200 in cash match to the MTMPP program . 300,000 printed and digital distribution o Maine Snowmobile Association Guide features a full-page advertisement on the back cover of the magazine pointing visitors to www . visitaroostook . com , 1-888-216-2463 while also featuring a QR code to this season ’ s snowmobile map online . 60,000 printed and digital distribution o Visit Portland Regional Guidebook features a back cover of Maine ’ s Aroostook County pointing viewers to discover national scenic byways to the north . 160,000 printed .
OTT & Broadcast Marketing :
• OTT / CTV broadcasting ad placement ran a 0:30 Come North video ( https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = aPGljJ3ld7w ) from December 5-22 in 45-mile radius areas of Syracuse NY , Epping NH , Scranton PA , and Portland , ME as unskippable views . 51,048 impressions , 25,175 reach .