ACT MTMPP Grant Report | Final | July 1 , 2023 through June 30 , 2024
Google Advertising As part of ACT ’ s always-on targeted digital advertising Google AdWords and Google Display Ads are to run at all times . Google advertising was slow to resume following the new grant period , paused between October 28 – December 5 ( Lewiston mass shooting ), and pulled after December 31 ( lack of snow and moving www . visitaroostook . com to a new website platform made running digital ads touch and go all year ). Google Display ads for the month of December promoted “ Maine ’ s Best Winter ” and received 72,100 impressions and 2,210 clicks marking a 3.06 % click-through rate . Google Display ads for May 1 through June 30 promoted blossom season and the summer festival season and received 135,000 impressions and 6,410 clicks marking a 4.75 % click-through rate . These results are well above the 0.5 % to 1.5 % industry average for Google Display advertising .
Social Media ACT is active with both organic and paid advertising on Facebook , Instagram , Pinterest , YouTube , and joined Threads and TikTok in October of 2023 for just organic content . This expansion utilizes content primarily created for Facebook and expands its audience across different platforms . The difference of platforms is largely in the way content is framed and the audience demographic of the primary user . Facebook is king for moving viewers from the social platform into the www . visitaroostook . com website therefore content types are primarily created with Facebook in mind and pushed out to all other social platforms as they fit . For example , Facebook Reels are vertical content types that display beautifully on Pinterest , YouTube Shorts , TikTok videos , and Instagram Reels – there is no additional cost of content creation for this cross-posting , but it increases the audience for the content type .
Paid digital advertising has an always-on approach for Facebook , Instagram , and YouTube . There was no digital advertising from October 28 – December 5 . In the past , this period has been the highest point of digital ad buys as ACT pushes targeted ads around the attended tradeshows , new winter content , Winter Weekend Getaway Giveaway , and getting reservations established for the upcoming winter season . This pause in digital advertising caused the analytics from the early winter campaign to be lower when compared to the previous year . Heavier ad buys in May and June on social media were made possible from conservative spending in the winter .
Tradeshows : ACT participated in three snowmobile trade shows in October 2023 and was pleased with the interest in coming to Aroostook County . This was the third year ACT appeared at the Big East Powersports Show in New York and it was a great location to motivate Pennsylvania and New York residents to visit Northern Maine .
State of Maine Snowmobile Show – Augusta , Maine o Estimated attendance : 4,000 o www . mainesnowmobileassociation . com / 2022-maine-snowmobile-show-october-21-23 /
Big East Powersports Show – Syracuse , New York o Estimated attendance : Unknown o www . bigeastpowersportsshow . com /
New Hampshire Grass Drags – Epping , New Hampshire o Estimated attendance : 42,500 o www . nhsa . com / nh-grass-drags-and-watercross /