ARMY Magazine - Special Issues ARMY Magazine Hoseok Special Edition | Page 34
In the trap-based “ 항상” [always],
J-Hope makes a quick reference to the
Chinese fable The Frog in the Well to
state their growth as artists who aren’t
inexperienced anymore.
While ARMYs are thanked for their support
in the former, “Airplane” is a mellow,
reflective track that hints at being content
with life while reminiscing. From a lyrical
point of view, the track is straightforward
and exudes confidence without being
cocky. BTS features on this track as well,
adding to the sentiment of achievements
garnered as a team - Eventually helping
to fulfill a young Hoseok’s dream to ride
and fly in an airplane as J-Hope.
The music video reflects this same
energy, h
ighlighting the laid back attitude,
as it visually alternates between innocent,
fantasy-like visuals and reality,
expressed through warm and cool
hues without seeming overwhelming.
“P.O.P (Piece of Peace) pt. 1” can be
regarded as the most complex track,
tone and structure-wise, on this mixtape.
Accompanied by steel drums, clapping
beats and a catchy chorus. “P.O.P pt. 1”
is noticeably different since the rest of the
mixtape is intently focused around the
artistic and p
ersonal growth of J-Hope/
Jung Hoseok.