ARMY Magazine - Special Issues ARMY Magazine Hoseok Special Edition | Page 35

hello to my hope world! However, amidst the arc of the ­mixtape, it is a crucial track that ties to his growth or rather reflects how his very desire to provide c ­ omfort and peace ignited his rise to ­stardom. The final track “Blue Side (­Outro)” is largely ­instrumental, in tandem with background ­rapping-singing. Soft repetitive “Blue side, back to the blue side” ends the musing of what his past life as Jung Hoseok used to be like. It e ­ mphasizes his notion that, while his present life doesn’t make him want to hit the r ­ eplay b ­ utton and turn back time, he does often r ­ eminisce on what his life used to be - the blue skies, the breeze - as s ­ tated in his Hope World Behind Vlive. J-Hope has mentioned how the first two tracks, “Hope World” and “P.O.P. (Piece of Peace) Pt.1” are about his idol self, while “­Daydream” is about “J-Hope’s shadow Jung Hoseok”. To s ­ ummarize, Hope World is a w ­ ell-paced ­artistic piece that holds a c ­ onsistent n ­ arrative ­without ­being flashy - a well-bal- anced outlook on both J-Hope and Jung Hoseok. The solo mixtape showcases his ­versatility and color as a solo rapper, provides a m ­ essage throughout, and weaves a tapestry of comfort in true J-Hope style. 32