HVAC The building makes use of a four-pipe chilled water GEN2 Thermal Energy Storage system and the bleedingEdge Building Telemetry System to provide a modern and energy efficient HVAC system . The central plant consists of air-cooled chillers , pumps , heat exchangers and thermal storage tanks located on the roof of the building . The phase change material thermal storage system reduces the building ’ s overall electrical cost by storing the thermal energy during off peak periods when electrical tariffs are low
and deploying the stored energy during the day , when the cost of electricity is much higher . The TES system provide 100 % of the cooling during peak tariff periods , and up to 50 % during standard periods .
The bleedingEdge Device ( Wi-Fi enabled protocol converter ) controls the in-ceiling fan coil unit as well as the variable air volume diffusers enabling individual temperature control in each office . The fan coil unit ’ s power and energy consumption is logged directly by the edge device .