Architect and Builder May/Jun 2024 | Page 61

The wireless bleedingEdge Building Telemetry System allows for intuitive access via apps on tablets . AVBOB facilities management can control and monitor the air conditioning system , computer room air conditioning units ( CRACs ), generators , bulk water and power meters and the rooftop solar plant . Each office is fitted with a QR code and by scanning this with your smart phone allows the user to adjust the temperature in the space .
The Enhanced Diagnostic Interface ( EDI ) system continually interrogates the operating conditions of all the systems and not only report faults but also provides alerts if equipment does not operate within its design parameters . For instance if a fan coil units supply air temperature is not cold enough or the generator fuel level is below certain thresholds a notification is sent . These assist the facility and maintenance staff to timeously resolve issues before they affect the occupants or business functions .
Interiors When AVBOB decided to transition into a new era of hybrid working , they envisioned a space that would not only accommodate their operational needs but also inspire and uplift their employees . The result is both a workplace and a statement of AVBOB ’ s commitment to innovation , community and local enterprise .
Interior Design Philosophy The interior design draws heavily from the AVBOB brand , integrating its strong identity into the space without overwhelming it . The colour schemes , materials , and spatial arrangements are reflective of the brand ’ s ethos but are balanced with neutral tones and natural light to ensure a welcoming and comfortable environment . The use of local suppliers and furniture manufacturers not only supported the local economy but also added a uniquely South African flavour to the decor , aligning with AVBOB ’ s community-focused brand .
The workspace ’ s structure is thoughtfully devised with a podium , referred to as the common floor , that serves as the heartbeat of the company . This floor is an accessible space for