This bridge also provides connectivity between office blocks and allows tenants access to the restaurant on the ground floor . A landscape roof terrace on fifth floor provides unobstructed views to the adjoining park and the Centurion skyline . This green space allows better connectivity for upper level occupants to their surrounding area .
Challenges It is always a challenge to design a wellproportioned and usable atrium – if the atrium is too small it loses its functionality and if it is too big it can feel like an uncomfortable hall . An atrium also needs to have a function – it should create a gathering space , it should provide visual connectedness between internal spaces and be that space that gives identity to the building function . The AVBOB management always had a clear vision that the atrium would be used as a gathering space . For this reason , all public amenities such as the reception , restaurant , business hub and auditorium were designed around the atrium . The atrium is also featured with a large monitor where marketing and staff information can be displayed .
Gathering spaces such as plaza-areas , kitchenettes and open-plan office spaces were placed next to or in proximity to the atrium in order to enhance the central connectedness . constant water supply . During the design outset it was decided to actively look at minimising water use in the building as well as providing effective and safe back-up water supply . With a rather small roof footprint , it was ineffective to collect and clean any harvested run-off water as an alternative source of water supply . It was clear that water run-off from road surfaces were ineffective and dangerous . Provision is made for two days of domestic back-up which will then be able to be topped up by a bowser feed if required . Water efficient amenities and fittings are provided throughout the building ’ s toilet , restaurant , barista and plaza areas .
Water Efficiency During the past few years , the Centurion and Irene areas have experienced regular water interruptions . Any building with high density occupation can ’ t function without a sufficient and