Architect and Builder Jul 2021 | Page 45

head office presented design challenges relating to fire design and compliance . The whole of the south and long west building façade faces onto the Sasol basement façade . Special fireproof Pyron glass had to be introduced for office planning along that façade to receive natural light .
While 52 Katherine Street may look like a simple building , it is in fact very complicated in its interface detailing with regard to the use of glass ,
aluminium , steel , brickwork and ceramic tiling . “ It shows that Paragon Architects can deliver highquality , cost-effective buildings without the use of the more commonly used and costly unitised aluminium system seen mostly all over Sandton today ,” concludes Wesson .
52 Katherine may be dwarfed by the Sasol building behind it but it holds its own due to the adoption of a striking , complimentary façade .
52 Katherine Street 45