Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2024 | Page 58

TOP LEFT : Sandton City introduced Diamond Walk in 2015 people . Sandton City is now considered not just a place to shop ; it has become an aspirational destination for local shoppers as well as international visitors .
For the architects , working on such a large , constantly evolving project such as Sandton City is as much about the behind the scenes elements as the front facing retail design . Be it parking , changes to loading bays , installation of a new HVAC system or working on all the requirements for the Six Star Green Star rating awarded recently , every one of these is just as important to the
successful day to day running of the centre and its ongoing Master Plan development . Sandton City has been at the forefront of sustainable shopping centre design , implementing a number of energy saving elements from as early as 2011 with the addition of the Protea Court . These pre-existing energy saving measures and established good building practices allowed the achievement of the Green Star rating to be more easily achieved .
The team at MDS Architecture is intricately involved with the retailers in the centre , ensuring that the each tenant adheres to the tenancy
58 Sandton City 50th