Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2024 | Page 59

BOTTOM LEFT & THIS PAGE : Sandton City in 2023 criteria from the outset and the overall vision for the centre is respected . Signage , shopfront design , frontage heights and materials used are strictly controlled . This is not to say that within the design criteria there is not room for creativity and thinking outside of the box with some retailers adding some exciting design elements within their stores that acknowledge the latest trends in retail design . These have included large LED screens and interactive shopping concepts that elevate the shopping experience . The consultation process between the retailer and the architects
ensures that these flagship stores elevate the centre to the highest level of retail design .
The architects are constantly working with the developers on a vision for the future of Sandton City , taking into account the evolving nature of Sandton and the surrounding areas , alongside the design evolution of retail and mixed use developments within the South African context . This forward thinking vision is the driving force behind taking Sandton City into the next fifty years and retaining its position a leading retail and mixed use precinct .
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