Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2024 | Page 57

THIS PAGE : The Protea Court was added in 2011 tones with bronze accents created a dark , insular interior with few natural light elements . Over the years the interior style has evolved to keep pace with new , contemporary design , culminating in the light filled retail spaces that shoppers experience today . These changes include expanded shopfront heights , larger format tiles and higher ceilings .
The change in shopping trends over the years has also influenced the design of the centre . Traditional ‘ department stores ’, historically important anchor tenants in many shopping centres around the country , sadly saw their demise in the 2000 ’ s , leaving developers with the challenge of how to re-purpose these now vacated spaces within the centre . The exit of these large retailers allowed for the repositioning of other elements within the centre , such as the Food Court , as well as the reconfiguring of the space to introduce new stand alone retailers into the centre . The expansion of the Sandton City precinct to include more mixed-use elements has also attracted a more diverse group of visitors to the centre , facilitating a wider mix of retailers and more non retail specific elements to engage
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