naturally linked to astronomical instruments
and images.
• The Time theme would be easily understood and
appreciated by an international clientèle.
Casino Façades
In order to avoid the appearance of a low,
factory-like building, the architectural design is
concerned with breaking the large masses into
smaller components and also breaking away from
traditional orthogonal geometry.
The north east corner of the building is cut
away by means of cascading terraces, not only
Time Square
to facilitate fire escape, but also to open up views
from the restaurants. This both reveals the major
forms of the building, which would otherwise be
hidden and also reduces the scale on the most
important corner adjacent to the circle and park.
The result of this design approach is a highly
unusual, distinctive building with both playful and
dramatic forms and spaces which will be instantly
recognisable and absolutely unique.
The external treatment of the main façades is
in sympathy with the skewed geometry of the
forms and consists of a random, grid-like pattern
of alternating solid panels and glazed strips which