as well as the impact due to the influx of large
numbers of people.
• Ensure that the external aesthetics, as well as the
internal theming of the complex, are compatible
with the overall aesthetic of Menlyn Maine yet
distinctive, exciting and attractive to the client’s
target market.
• Plan all the components of the building logically
to ensure efficiency, economy and buildability.
• Ensure that the complex adheres to both the
Green aspirations of Menlyn Maine as well as
the new legislation now being published as part
of SANS 10400.
Horology - the art or science of measuring time
The importance of a strong, distinctive design
theme for the complex was recognised at an early
stage. The choice of ‘Time’ as the dominant theme
was made for a number of reasons:
• It is a rich source of visual imagery which is
essential for successful theming. Watches,
clocks, sundials, dials, cogs and gears, springs
and pendulums come to mind immediately.
Since time keeping is based on the movement
of the sun and the stars, lines of longitude
and the change of seasons, the theme is also
Time Square