Archipelago Archives Exhibit #3: If I could set with the sun GUIDE BOOK | Page 51
Dharana: In Yoga practices, this refers to focus. This was
adapted in Study #7.
Dhyana: In Hatha Yoga, this refers to mindfulness. This
was adapted in Study #7.
Drishti bheda: This refers to variations of gaze that are
often practiced in Indian ‘classical’ dances. This was
adapted in Study #7.
Ghriva bheda: This refers to neck modulations that are
often practiced in Indian ‘classical’ dances. This was
adapted in Study #7.
Hatha Yoga: This is an old meditative system that
includes the practice of asanas and pranayama. This aims
to create a mind-body equilibrium that prepares the body
for deeper spiritual practices.
Kuchipudi: This is a dance-drama performance
originating from the South Indian state of Andra Pradesh.
Lasya: Within the context of Indian ostensibly traditional
dance form, Lasya dances are widely regarded as a
feminine style of dancing associated with Goddess
Parvati in response to the male energy of Tandava. The
movement vocabulary is usually graceful and is often as a
binary opposition to the Tandava.
Meivilakkam: These are body conditioning exercises that
feature prominently in Mohiniattam. This was adapted in
Study #7.
Melakara: In South Indian temple dance and music
traditions, the all-male musicians form the Melakara