Archipelago Archives Exhibit #3: If I could set with the sun GUIDE BOOK | Page 52
community. They often mentor the female devasis and
support them through musical accompaniment. Unlike
current day ‘classical music’ that omits temple musicians,
this community includes Thavil (a barrel shaped drum),
and Nathaswara (double reed wind instrument) players.
Mohiniattam: This one of two classical dances from the
South Indian state of Kerala and is performed exclusively
by women.
Odissi: This is classical dance form from the Odisha–an
eastern coastal state of India. The Tribunga (a tri-bent
pose) is often regarded as its signature posture. This was
adapted in Study #7.
Pranayama: In Hatha Yoga, this refers to breath
modulation exercises. This was adapted in Study #7.
Tandava: Within the context of Indian ostensibly
traditional dance form, Tandava dances are widely
regarded as a masculine style of dancing associated with
the cosmic dancer Lord Shiva. They are often steeped
in vigorous movements. It is often viewed as a binary
opposition to the Lasya dancing.