August 1: I Love Myself Unconditionally:
Day 1, we are explore loving ourselves by using the present tense because you already love yourself, you just need to remind yourself that you do. And do so "Unconditionally" because the love you posses is limitless and requires nothing more that just allowing yourself to love yourself.
August 2: I Am at Peace with Who I Am:
Day 2, we continue reflecting on who we are but also that this journey of self discovery is one of peace. Up till now you have let others, and your own negative thoughts determine who you are. This leads to inner conflict. As others opinions, and your own perception of yourself changes so does your identity. This leads to feeling unstable and uncertain. As we accept who we truly are, we find a deeper peace that cannot be shaken by anyone or anything. We are at true peace.
August 3: I Am Happy Just Being Me:
Day 3, today we explore the feeling of true happiness with accepting ourselves. This happiness is free and knows no limitations. When we are happy and content with just being ourselves we are releasing the pain and judgment that we have held on to for so long.
August 4: I Accept Myself as I Am:
Day 4, we release any and all unrealistic or suffocating expectations that we-or anyone else-holds of ourselves. We accept who we are now, releasing who we THINK we SHOULD be, and coming to fully see how incredible we already are.
August 5: I am Worthy and so is Everybody. I Love All:
Day 5, today we acknowledge that first and foremost that we, ourselves, are worthy. Not just of love but of all things. We deserve and worthy of love, not because of our role in life, our bank account, or even how many loved ones we have. We are worthy simply because we exist, all are worthy. You are not deprived of love for your past choices, for your current circumstance, or even for how nice you are. You and everyone around you is simply worthy of love. You are Worthy.
August 6: Love is My Birthright. I am a Loved and I am Loving.
Day 6, All human beings, regardless of when or where they are born is blessed with the birthright of love. No one can "give" this birthright, and none can "take" it away. Though we can all give and take love, none can affect another's birthright to love. Love is unconditional. We are blessed to both be loved and to love. It is inheritantly just who we are.
August 7: I am a Good Person who Deserves to be Happy.
Day 7, Today we release the label of 'Bad'. All our lives we have been taught that certain words, actions, or even people are 'bad' while other words, actions and people are 'good'. We use the label 'bad' to decide what is undesirable and even 'shameful'. We use these labels to create division in our lives. Ultimately though, there is no 'good' or 'bad' but rather what we perceive as 'good' or 'bad'. These labels have no power and are nothing more than a concept of the mind to categorize. Once we accept that these labels have no power and do not exist, we are free to accept things as they truly are, neither 'good' or 'bad'. Today we release the negative thoughts of being a 'bad person' and accept who we are, as a 'good'- in this case, we mean as a person who creates and influences for betterment- and that we simply deserve to be happy.
August 8: My love for myself is free of judgment and criticism
Day 8, After a week, we reaffirm that love is freedom. Love does not cage or restrict one, but rather frees one to new opportunities. Love opens us to see life and ourselves in a new light, to see it as it truly is. Today we revisit that love is unconditional, it does not judge or criticize. It is free and is unhindered by judgment, both our own and others.
August 9: My love for others is an extension of the love I have for myself.
Day 9, Today we view not only how love affects us but also how it flows to those around us. You cannot truly love someone until you love yourself. As you love you, that love overflows and fills the lives others. Not just romantic relationships, but all relationships that we hold with others. All relationships we hold are based on the relationship we hold with ourselves. If our relationships are toxic, it is because we are poisoning our own relationship. If your relationships are not where we want them to be, we should first reflect on our own personal relationship with ourselves. When we love ourselves, and treat ourselves according to that love, it trickles into all our relationships. Therefore, our personal relationship is not only important, it is critical.
August 10: It is Easy to Love and Accept Myself.
Day 10, Today we reflect on how Love itself is easy. There is a common saying that anything worth doing requires work, but many worthwhile things come without any effort simply because they are. Love is a force that can be shown in many wonderful ways, but love itself requires no effort. We simply have to allow it to flow without restricting its flow, it is natural to love ourselves. We just have to quiet the negative to hear more clearly the truth: that we are easy to love and accept.
August 11: I Am Beautiful, Unique and Perfect.
Day 11, Today we reveal in the joyous fact that we ARE beautiful simply as we are. And that we are unique, as an individual there is no one in all the world who is like you, we cannot be compared because we are each unique and divine in our individuality. We also rejoice that we are perfect, not that we will be perfect in some distant future, but we today, right now, as we are, is perfect. Beautiful, Unique and Perfect.
August 12: The More Love I Give the More there is to Receive.
Day 12, Today we see that the love we have is to be shared. Love is not a resource that can be depleted, it is infinite and without end. Instead, the opposite is true, the more love we share and the more we receive in return.