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My sub committee Olivia Palfrey is creating a video for educational and informative purposes and this is our structure .
My structure for the video is to create a video series in ( at the moment ) 3 parts : 1 . Show Horse classes - discussing the type and movement of the horse , purpose and workouts for both hacks and show hunters ( probably separate chapters within the video ). 2 . Dressage - covering Preliminary and Novice only at this stage considering these are the only levels at State Nationals , however might do a small segment on how these integrate into higher levels , the focus of these sections will be discussing the purpose of each level ( knowing there is a big confusion as to what " preliminary " and " novice " actually mean ), a discussion
Hi all , we have the convention coming up and I will have a full report for you in the next magazine , on what is happening overseas .
We are currently on two tack forces , one is about how the international drug rules apply to all the different countries ; this will be finalised at the convention and a report will be available after the convention .
AmQHA formed a task force to look into international registration ; we attended meetings to get an understanding on what they were looking at , this again will be finalised at the convention and will go to the stud book committee , then to their Executive for consideration . We should have outcomes on both in April 2024 .
We have a rule change coming into effect in August 2024 that has reduced the eligibility timeframe for novice amateur status from 10 years to 7 years . We hope this encourages people to return to the industry sooner and / or confidence to compete in classes they haven ’ t for some time .
We have seen the return of our free amateur clinics and encourage everyone to attend their state clinic where possible . Further clinics are in the works and can be booked via the office once your state has been announced with a date . Thank you again to the Amateur Division committee for organizing these .
of the paces / movement / way of going required in each level and perhaps a break down / example of some of the common ( or misunderstood ) movements in these tests .
3 . Presentation - split into overall impression , plaiting , quarter marks , makeup and horse / rider gear as relevant to hacks / hunters / dressage .
As a part of this I want to compliment the video with articles in the AQHA magazine , such as workout examples , exercises specific to our classes and so on . We are working hard to have this done in time for people to enter / be prepared for Nationals .
Regards Lorelei
I have been working towards making our AmQHA show at our Nationals a bit special so we are now having high point awards Buckles for the Amateur , Select Amateur , Youth & Open also Garlands for ridden classes and wine for Halter classes .
We will be having our AGM on Saturday 6th of April 2024 the time will be announced at the Q24 Nationals . Please come along and give me your ideas for the future .
Your international Director Kim Johnson Call me 0427667886
The amateur division will be running the trail pre works at Q24 and any offers for assistance would be greatly appreciated if you are attending .
It is unfortunate that we have seen the cancellation of the 2024 Trans Tasman Challenge , however I encourage all that applied to do so again at the next opportunity . For those aspiring to reach their dreams , utilize the extra time to prepare and achieve it .
Cheers , Rachel Turner