PG . 9
Hi everyone , While I am happy to present this report , there is also some disappointing news , which most of you will already know about via our member ’ s email .
The Trans Tasman event which was to be held in Taupo New Zealand this September has been cancelled . As disappointing as this is for all involved , we understand why New Zealand felt the need to cancel the event in these trying economic times . We look forward to New Zealand hosting the event in 2026 . For the applicants , the office will be refunding your application fees in due course .
As you may be aware , the Youth World Cup applications haven ’ t hit the website as yet , due to there being no host country at this stage . Once the International Convention is held in Las Vegas next month , we hope to have more of an idea what is to become of the event for 2025 .
On a good note ! We have secured Dan Steers to run a youth cattle weekend at his home venue . This will be just before the NCHA Futurity on the 18th and 19th of May . This will be free to all youth , although you will need to be AQHA youth members .
Numbers will be limited , so first in will secure a place . Dan will also be at our AQHA Nationals on Camp draft day , and said he will make himself available for a meet and greet for our kids . It is also to be noted that NCHA
has free youth memberships for this year , if any of our youth would like to join them . Our youth are running the auction again at the welcome dinner at Q24 , with some excellent prizes to be auctioned . So bring your $$$$, we will also have the eftpos machine there too .
The youth have also been fundraising just before Xmas selling a Bunnings voucher , and the proceeds are being used towards the State Youth Team challenge prizes . We have provided NSW with some lovely etched cups for the winners , and have sent prizes to WA for their State show in March . These prizes are great , so kids put your names down at your State shows to be involved .
We are also running an online Stallion Auction with numerous great stallions of many different disciplines , so keep a watch out for more information . This will be our major fundraiser , with proceeds going towards FREE youth educational camps Australia wide . We will be running this auction every year , and hope to gain momentum , so prospective breeders will be waiting for this auction .
If you have anything you would like to discuss , I am always available to chat .
Regards Liz Keating