PG . 7
Dear Members , I hope the year is treating you all well with extreme temperatures in WA to flooding and extreme rain throughout NSW and Qld .
I hope you all got some input into the board matters with the reports that directors supplied to you in the last magazine and I have urged the directors to update you whenever necessary with things going on in their portfolios . No doubt you are all gearing up for the National show coming up and I wish all competitors the best of luck during your stay in Tamworth and safe traveling to and from the show of course .
There are major shows coming up in each state of Australia and it looks like another busy year , by the time you would have read this , there would have been a clinic put on by the Professional Horsemans portfolio for all of their members to attend with the USA judge doing Summer Sizzler the clinician for this . The group will be endeavouring to have more of these in most of the eastern states for them to attend .
There will be a judging clinic to be held in Victoria this year following the same format as the one held in Qld with the added bonus of a Ranch Horse judges ’ clinic attached to this as well . I urge all judges to attend this as the last one was a great success .
I was saddened to see the Trans Tasman competition being cancelled with the host , AQHA NZ having to pull out due to economic conditions over there but stay tuned for updates for the next one being planned in the future . To the youth and amateurs that missed out , I am sorry for you all but lets ’ ensure the next Trans Tasman is a success . We will also have more information on the Youth World Cup after the AQHA International convention being held in the USA this year , International Convenor , Kim Johnson will attend on behalf of the Australian QHA .
The 2024 Nutrien Classic sale is done and dusted , prices were tougher than previous years but it still gave us the opportunity to showcase our bloodlines at the largest performance horse sale held in Australia and it grossed in excess of 10 Million dollars . There are several other sales coming up this year so follow our updates on our FB page as they happen . Speaking about our FB page , we have had glowing reports back from members about these updates , show calendars and general information about anything to do with our breed , the board has the vision to increase our profile in this way and it seems to be working .
Lodgement dates for regos and breeding returns are due by the 31st May , 2024 so if you can , please get these done earlier than later , especially if you have show horses or sale horses as the testing facility could have a backup and if your wanting papers for a show or sale , earlier is better .
Again , any members with problems , please contact the office with anything to do with the above , if you have questions about a particular portfolio , please look up which director holds that particular portfolio and I am sure they will help you if required . I am of course always contactable so please do so if you need to .
Till the next issue , Ricky Glen
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