has over $85,000 LTE. The most
memorable were his runs on SR
Whizzel Chex in the 2010 National
futurity when the class was decided
on a two run aggregate score. He
finished a half point behind Martin
Larcombe in the Open Futurity and
won the Intermediate Open Futurity.
SR Whizzel Chex gave him two
consistent runs and showed well.
That’s as close he’s been to winning
this prestigious event.
Floyd and Rodney achieved a
couple of milestones at the 2017
Futurity Show.
To Peter’s knowledge Floyd is the
first registered Paint Horse to win
a National Open Reining Futurity
and Rodney’s last National
Futurity win was in 1997.
It took 20 years to win his
second and he did it with
style on Gunnerreload.
Two weeks after the
win Peter organised an
after party. This was an
opportunity to celebrate
the great little colt’s
achievements bringing the
Open Futurity to NSW and
to give back to those who
supported them along the way.
Peter sends a special thank
you to John and Lorraine Wylie
from Xtreme Genes for hosting
this event, and to all those who
attended to make it a great
It is Peter’s opinion that they are
yet to see the best of Floyd. He
believes he will be as good as his over
achieving half-brothers in the States,
and his Derby years ahead will
dictate his future, and how good he
can be as a show horse and a sire.
Floyd is currently standing at stud
with Lorraine Wylie at Xtreme
Genes, and Peter would like to thank
those who have bred to him this year.
He believes his future progeny will be
a great addition to anybody wanting
to breed a good one, with athletic
ability and a cool and calm mind.
Peter would like to take this
opportunity to thank Paul and
Tracee Sharp of SnS Custom floats
for the sponsoring and construction
of the 2017 Reining Australia
Open Futurity, with a Two Horse
Angle Float. The workmanship is
superb and he has no hesitation in
recommending SnS Custom Float to
any equine enthusiast. A big shout
out goes to Reining Australia also
and all the sponsors who make this
event possible.
For any stud enquiries and further
information, Peter Bartolo can be
contacted on 0407 296 271.
Photo by Emma English
Page 18 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • November • December • 2017