AQHA Magazine November/December 2017 AQHA_NOV_DEC_2017 WEBSITE | Page 19

Hibiscus Coast Equestrian Club Inaugural Spring Showcase
Photos Jodan Wicks
On the 30th September and 1st October , the Hibiscus Coast Equestrian Club , AQHA Affiliate , held it ’ s inaugural Spring Showcase . The club has worked closely with Mackay Show Precinct and Mackay Regional Council to improve the equine facilities at the show grounds , which are officially the club grounds . Club members have volunteered labour and materials to assist in this endeavour and next year will see the opening of the indoor arena .
The Mackay Mayor , Mr Greg Williamson opened the show with a complementary review for the facility and equestrian community . Hibiscus congratulates him on such forward planning and diverse expansion for Mackay ' s future . The show precinct couldn ’ t have been more helpful and the future looks bright for Mackay ’ s equestrian community . The grounds boast indoor barn , and yards for horse owners preferred choice of housing for their equines . New wash bays will be part of the new facility , along with the indoor arena which will have it ’ s own announcers box , first aid room and tea room . The amenities are second to none and have ensuite convenience . The grassed powered and watered camping area provide a welcome relief for when day is done .
The show was a Multi judged show with Joanne Gregory and Andrew Shield officiating as judges , and we had the wonderful booming voice of renowned announcer Ralph Dunn .
Not only did both the A and AA placings receive prize money , but also received some very grand prizes , that in all totalled $ 7000 !
With 50 horses on the grounds , the show kicked off with a great lineup of quality halter horses . The Champions received a stunning garland donated by Springdale Farm . The Galway Boy Champion of Champions crystal vase and luxurious garland was won by the lovely Im So Fancee , owned and shown by Tiffany Walter . Im so Fancee also was in the trio of Get of Sire which was won by Smoochin , who received a sketch by Kiley Tolson !
Catering was delicious beyond words . All home cooked meals and treats ! Thanks to our club members .
We can definetely say that this show has set a new standard for the north and next year will see the inclusion of Reining and three year old classes .
Im So Fancee Q-83648 , owned and shown by Tiffany Walter
Paige Bennett and GJC Simply Da One Q-76074
Left - Robyn Edgar and QXH Unforgettaball Q-79903 Right - Shanna Coomber and A Lil Somethin Q-70850
Kylie Phillips riding Lynette Hall ' s Ceelebrity Q-81838
Krystee Muscat riding Annlee Top Spot Q-71305

Amateur Profile

Gabrielle Brown

How long have you participated in horse activities : Practically since birth . I ' ve ridden and been involved with horses before I can even remember !
Who / what inspired you to become involved : My parents and grandparents have shown and owned quarter horses for many years . After trying many different disciplines growing up , my parents encouraged me to give western showing a try . I got my first pleasure horse as a teenager , and am glad I did . I ' ve been hooked ever since !
What is your favourite part of the sport : I love the technical aspect of it . There is such a science to training our horses for each specific event , and an art to showing them . It can never be boring and I love the challenge of it . And also the people ! I ' ve been lucky enough to have become friends with , and show with some really wonderful people .
Why this sport , instead of another : I think because it is just so addictive ! And what other equine sport do you get to dress up and wear amazing blingy jackets in ??
What is your practice philosophy : " Perfect Practice makes perfect ", and " You only get out what you put in " I always try to put in 100 %, no matter what .
What does your friends / family think about your hobby : My family are all horsey so are all very supportive ! I ' m lucky to have a few close friends who are also horsey , but regardless they are all very encouraging and supportive .
What / who inspires you to reach your goal : Going to shows and watching some of the amazing horses , trainers and competitors go round has always been very inspiring to me . Its amazing how much you can learn but just watching .
Tell us something about yourself that people might not know : I swam competitively , even up to state level for club and regional level for school growing up .
Are you a collector of anything : Boots and Jeans .. My collection is getting out of hand !
What is your favourite colour : Blue
Favourite saying : Is definitely " You only get out what you put in ". It ' s great because it applies to everything in life .
If you could have three wishes granted , what would they be : For all my animals to live forever , to land my dream job after graduating Uni .... and for more wishes !
November • December • 2017 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • Page 19