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The Marketing portfolio are committed to ensuring that the membership and equine community as a whole are informed on the events that are being held around the country and the presence the Australian Quarter Horse has across many disciplines .
Leah Michelle was appointed in January 2023 as AQHA ’ s Social Media Marketing specialist and has done an amazing job , which I ’ m sure the members have noticed and enjoyed .
On a grass roots level , the marketing committee have recognised the youth membership is mostly generational and are involved in the industry because their parents are competitors .
This will be a camp consisting of two days of clinics with AQHA Professional Horsemen followed by a show held in Burpengary , Queensland in January 12 , 13 , 14 2024 , during the school holidays .
Our hope is to introduce children from other disciplines to the versatility and the unparalleled temperament of the Australian Quarter Horse . Any breed of horse and any rider from ages 5-18 are welcome and will receive a AQHA membership , promotional products , instruction , meals and many activities with their $ 100 fee .
Our vision is for these camps to be ongoing and extending into other states in the coming years .
It is so important to promote our breed and bring in new members which has brought us to the decision to resume ‘ Camp Quarter Horse ’ to ensure the longevity of our association into the future .
Please contact me if you have a story you ’ d like to share ! Whether you are a long time member with photographs and stories from the good old days , a new member telling how you became involved in the industry or even your failure that developed into a triumph which could be inspirational to our members .
Hi to all members , I would like to wish you all a very safe , healthy and happy New Year 2024 .
In recapping 2023 we attended the Convention in Fort- Worth , USA , this enables us to put forward ideas / rule changes and keep up to date on rule changes that may effect you our members also have a say on all topics that could effect the Australian Quarter Horse Association .
We also attended three Affiliate AMQHA zoom meetings to discuss International topics that may effect us in Australia ; these meetings are attended by up to 39 International countries and gives us a connection to the rest of the Quarter Horse Affiliates throughout the world .
We do an Affiliates agreement every year this enables us to share data and information between the the Associations ; which is very important to our stud book records .
One of the largest International Uouth events , Youth World Cup was attended by our Aussie Youth Team , and was very successfully being Reserve Youth World Cup Champions .
I just want to ask you all that if there is anything that you the members would like imput into or rule changes , please email me or call as your ideas can be presented at the International Committee meeting , on the agenda or we can put forward rule change forms , so we can make changes that may suit our country ; so give me a call and we can have a chat .
Kim Johnson AQHA Proud
Welcome to the first Youth report for the new Board .
I would like to introduce my Sub-Committee being : Kane Skopp as my 2IC and Kim Johnson , both being avid and long standing Youth supporters . We have recently had our first youth sub committee meeting , and look forward to bringing some new and fresh ideas to the table .
The Trans Tasman application forms have been received with an eager amount of youth applying for selection . This event will be held in New Zealand next year in October .
The Youth World Cup is an International youth event , held every two years , which is a showcase of superior horsemanship , leadership , and camaraderie among equine