Aptavani-8 Aptavani-8 | Page 57

4 Aptavani-8 Questioner: No. What they meant, was that there is no such thing as soul (jiva), that leaves – that is what they meant. Dadashri: Those scientists make a man; they do build new hearts, and they make everything, do they not? So if they made a new man altogether, will that man be able to interact and function in the same way we do? Questioner: No, he would not. Dadashri: So then on what basis can they say that there is no such thing as soul or living being (jiva)? Questioner: They just placed a dying man in a glass case, but when the soul (jiva) was leaving, they did not see anything so they concluded that there is no such thing as soul (jiva). Dadashri: It is like this: either someone with an understanding will deny it, or someone without an understanding will deny it. Not every person will have doubts, will he! And those who do have doubts about whether there is a soul (jiva) or not, are souls themselves! The very person that doubts, is himself a living being (soul), or else he would not have doubts! And none of all these other non-living (jada) things will have doubts. If there is any doubting going on, it is the soul (jiva) that does it; moreover, there is no other thing that can have doubts. Do you understand this? Will a person have any doubts after he dies? No, then what is it that leaves? Does the heart stop? What must be happening? Questioner: A person dies because his heart stops. Dadashri: Yes, a person will die. He lives because he breathes. The soul (jiva) within; lives because of the breathing. It will live as long as there is breath.