Aptavani-8 Aptavani-8 | Page 58

Aptavani-8 5 Questioner: A person dies when the essential body parts stop functioning. If that is true, then there is no such thing as an embodied soul (jiva). Dadashri: There is such a thing as soul (jiva)! A person is a soul (jiva), yet he has doubts about his own self. The one, having the doubt, is the soul (jiva) itself. The one, who has the doubt about there not being life in the body, is himself the soul (jiva). If a person without a tongue in his mouth, says, ‘I do not have a tongue in my mouth’, that itself proves that there is a tongue in his mouth. Do you understand? That is why the statement that there is doubt, is a contradiction. People say that when a man dies, there is no such thing as the soul (jiva)! The word itself raises doubt; a person has doubt. The doubt itself proves that there is soul (jiva) there. If I sat down with the scientists, I would explain to them right away that it is the soul (jiva) that is speaking. Are you having a new kind of doubt? So there is definitely soul (jiva) in every living entity! And do we not give examples like, ‘the jiva goes away’? Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: And why do they have to numb an area when they give an injection? Why do they have to make it numb? Questioner: So that we do not feel any pain or sensation. Dadashri: They have to give an “injection” (anesthetic), to move the soul (jiva) away from that area. As long as the jiva is there, one could not tolerate the pain of the “operation” (surgery). Do you understand? Existence of the Soul! Based on Which Qualities? Dadashri: Is there a difference between chetan (Soul, Self, life energy) and jada (non-living matter; non-Self) do you think?