Agnas (special directives) and to follow him. Such a Gnani
Purush has manifested in this time period. Once his grace is
bestowed upon the recipient, and through this path of Akram
Vignan (the step-less path to Self-realization) one needs only to
jump on the elevator to the highest peak of Self-knowledge and
reach there within just one hour! Wonderful and amazing is the
accomplishment of this exceptional path!
In this Kalikaal (the current era of the fifth time cycle),
this step-less path has manifested magnificently! This is the
unprecedented stage of spiritual science! Lack of controversy is
evident in the entire speech of the Gnani Purush at all times.
Here is where the wrongful deeds of infinite lifetimes are washed
away within one hour and Self-realization is attained, where the
awareness or non-awareness of one’s readiness for Self-
realization is not heeded, where the seeker attains a state of the
highest of awareness as a result of the auspicious event of
meeting a tremendously powerful instrument (nimit): the Gnani
himself, whereby all the kashays (anger, pride, deceit, greed)
are eradicated, where the ego (ahamkar) and ‘My-ness’
(mamata) end, where no ‘doership’ remains, and where one
only experiences the absolute bliss of the Self. He who bestows
such a state is not a Gnani, but a ‘Scientist’. Just look at the
unimaginable special spiritual power and energy (siddhis) of his
step-less path!
The Atma and The Ego
“I am ‘Chandubhai’, I am the husband of this woman, I
am the father of this boy, I am a businessman, I am fat, I am fair-
skinned…etc.” These and many such countless ‘wrong beliefs’
have been covering up one’s own ‘right belief’, one’s own pure
vision and pure knowledge. The Gnani Purush fractures those
‘wrong beliefs’, and unveils all the covers: opening that
magnificent portal to ‘right vision’ – Self-realization!