Aptavani-4 Aptavani-4 | Page 29

To follow the Gnani ’ s Agnas ( special directives ) will bring about the grace ( krupa ) of Gnani .
How can you describe such a Gnani when words have limitations ; where one ’ s understanding falls short , and in the absence of any comparison , he is himself unfathomable ; he solely resides in the Self , where there is absolutely no room for the ego , and therefore he lives not in the mind , neither in the speech , nor in the body ; the very places that are host to the ego . He is free of all anger , pride , deceit and greed . His humility , although a ‘ given ’ as far as a Gnani Purush is concerned , is immaculate . He is egoless ; he blesses even those that curse or insult him . The Gnani is not void of interest ( nispruha ), but neither is he with interest ( saspruha ; with inclination ); he is saspruha-nispruha ( with interest-without interest ). He is nispruha towards others ’ worldly happiness and saspruha towards their liberation .
The Gnani ’ s speech has vitaragata ( void of any attachment ). It is not possible for anyone to attain moksha without listening to such speech ! In his speech , there is no disapproval of anyone ’ s viewpoint , nor is there any evidence of his own opinion ! There is no opposition to anyone , nor is anyone told , “ This is wrong ”. Speech that is syadvaad is accepted by all and hurts no one . In such speech , there is no debate ( vaad ), dispute ( vivaad ) or discourse ( samvaad ). It is purely dependent on the person who is instrumental ( nimit ; questioner ). The Gnani Purush ’ s speech arises from great depths and flows spontaneously and constantly .
[ 10 ] Akram Path
The Gnani Purush , in whom the Lord of the fourteen regions ( lokas ) of the universe has manifest , and who is Himself the embodiment of the absolute Self . Once his grace is received , there is nothing that needs to be done , but to remain in his