APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 3/2013 | Page 4

2013 FAAPI Conference
Roots & Routes in Language Education
How do languages , cultures and identities interact in 21st-century classrooms ? Bi / Multi / Plurilingualism , interculturality and identity
in the areas of Language Education- Language Teacher Education- Assessment and Evaluation- Literature- Language Policy- New Technologies- Research
Cristina Banfi ( Argentina ) Claudia Ferradas ( Argentina ) Clare Furneaux ( UK ) Fred Genesee ( Canada ) Rainer Enrique Hamel ( Mexico )
Keynote Speakers
Bradley Horn Fernanda Cohelo Liberali ( Brazil ) Gabriel Díaz Maggioli ( Uruguay ) Myriam Met ( USA ) Virginia Unamuno ( Argentina )
Members of FAAPI Teacher Associations & teacher trainees
Until 10 Sept 780 1080 From 11 Sept 1000 1300
http :// www . apiba . org . ar / faapi13 / registration
Find out about special offers for accommodation at http :// www . apiba . org . ar / faapi13 / tourist-information