APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 3/2013 | Page 5

APrIR First-time Speaker Scholarship : 2013 FAAPI Conference
APrIR awards this scholarship to encourage teachers to present in a FAAPI Annual Conference for the first time .
APrIR will grant one scholarship for the 2013 FAAPI Conference , consisting of $ 1200 to apply to the registration fee and contribute to travelling expenses .
See details at http :// www . aprir . org . ar / anuncios / aprirfirsttimespeakerscholarship2013faapiconference
Award -giving at ISPI N º 9123 “ San Bartolomé ”
On May 31st APrIR awarded a medal and a one- year membership to graduates who achieved the highest total average in their teaching education programme . This year , the awards were received by :
Prof . de Inglés , Nivel Inicial y Primario Julieta Ratto
Prof . de Inglés , Nivel Secundario María Victoria D ’ Andrea
Our congratulations go to these two new colleagues .
News from our members
Congratulations go to Prof . Cecilia Acquarone Ph . D . Cecilia has been awarded
Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado by UNED . The ceremony took place about a month ago in Madrid and , as Cecilia could not attend , her Thesis Director received the award in her name . This distinction is awarded by merit to students who obtained their PhD degree Suma Cum Laude in the years 2011 and 2012 and who fulfilled some other academic requirements . Cecilia has said “ Being able to share the joy of this piece of news , compensates the long hours of solitary work during the past years .” We are very proud of you , Cecilia !
Rita Zeinstejer attended the 2013 ELTons award ceremony http :// englishagenda . britishcouncil . org / eltons on 22nd May in London as her project “ TIC en el Aula ” ( in collaboration with APIBA member Jennifer Verschoor ) was nominated in the Local Innovation category . Originally a personal enterprise born as TECHTOOLS4Educators , TIC en el AULA is the FIRST virtual Foreign Language Teachers Community in Argentina , sponsored by SBS Argentina , and the virtual meeting spot of hundreds of EFL Teachers not only from this country but also from Latin America and beyond .