The APrIR Journal
At the end of last year The APrIR Journal was published again . It is at your disposal both from the hands of EC members and at our office within time schedule .
Latest Activities May
Speech therapist Bibiana Sánchez offered the second part of her workshop CALIDAD VOCAL DEL DOCENTE COMO PROFESIONAL DE LA VOZ .”.
Unfortunately , although this talk was a great success , many of the people who had enrolled failed to attend . Those who did benefited from Ms Sánchez ’ s expertise , advice and joyful , brisk lecturing .
Due to the fact that speakers collect their fee no matter how small the audience may be , following this event places will be reserved only after payment of the ticket has been made .
On June 7th , Prof . Patricia Arbona offered Drama and pronunciation teaching . The hows and whys for our members .
Through many practical activities Prof . Arbona offered tips to introduce pronunciation teaching in our classrooms - and have fun in the process into the bargain !