APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 3/2013 | Page 2

FAAPI Annual General Meeting
FAAPI ’ s Annual General Meeting was held on June 15th in Córdoba .
APrIR ’ s Treasurer Cecilia Moretti and Under Treasurer Marta Masía represented us . It was , as usual , an opportunity to share concerns and achievements with sister associations , and to reinforce the need to work together with the common aim of furthering professional development .
In addition to granting approval to the annual financial report , delegates elected APIZALS Gaby Tavella as Vice President and APISE Emma Figueroa as Secretary ( 2nd term ), among other EC members . They were also glad to welcome APIER ( Entre Ríos ), newly re-launched , as a formal FAAPI member .
We would also like to congratulate FAAPI on the publication of the first issue of AJAL , Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics , ISSN 2314-3576 ( online ), available online at http :// www . faapi . org . ar / ajal / current . html . It includes a Materials Review by APrIR Secretary Mariel Amez .
Register at http :// www . faapi . org . ar / ajal / register . html in order to receive regular updates from AJAL , related news , and notices of new issues .
This new Journal is scheduled to be published twice a year , in May and November , but manuscripts are welcome all year round in the areas of foreign language learning , language teacher education , intercultural communication , bilingualism and multilingualism , language learning and ICT , cultural studies , stylistics , ( critical ) discourse analysis , pragmatics , sociolinguistics , conversation analysis , phonetics , syntax , and corpus linguistics . To publish with AJAL , all Argentinian authors or half of them in a multi-authored article must be members of a teacher association ( TA ) linked to FAAPI such as APrIR
Special issue May 2014 " From oral tradition to electronic literature : theory , criticism and teaching ". Call for Papers closes on 30 January 2014 . Further details at http :// www . faapi . org . ar / ajal / home . html