Owner’s Corner
fitness classes, it typically leaves
the school owner and staff feelWhile there are many schools out
ing burned out. I, personally, think
there who offer a number of difit is okay to have a few programs
ferent programs and very successand fitness classes. When choosful with each of them, they are the
ing them, however, you must do so
minority in our industry. When you
through the filter of, you guessed it,
look close at the successful schools
your vision and your mission.
that offer 5-10 different arts, what
you will usually find is a fully staffed A number of years ago, we decided
and highly trained staff. In my exit would be cool to have a boot
perience, when a smaller staffed
camp fitness class offered at our
school tries to offer several arts and studio. We had an open slot on
Dojo Digest • April 2014