Owner’s Corner
Lobby set up
in that language as well, and then
they opened martial arts schools of
Sign up process
their own, and what do you know?
Discipline guidelines
All of those instructors just do what
their instructor did without quesBelt stripes
tion. How do you feel when you call
Planned curriculum
for customer service, and you can’t
understand the person on the other
Weekly themes
end of the phone because of a lanPlanned classes
guage barrier? Now, imagine that
they spoke the same language that
Testing Model
you speak, but when they speak to
Now, before you call me a martial
you, they use a different one. Does
arts blasphemer, think about it; let’s that make sense?
take speaking in a foreign language
for an example. Many people don’t I do believe that there is a place for
think about this. Why do so many traditions. I also believe that some
things we call traditions are just irschools speak in the language of
the origin of the martial arts? Now, relevant obstacles that, without us
knowing it, are bringing us down as
don’t say tradition. That is too
an industry.
easy. Think about it. Why? Do
you have it? The reason that a
Let me pose another question as
school owner teaches in a foreign
it relates to your model. What do
language is because their instrucyou do when a student is late? Now,
tor did it. So, why did he do it? He without me preaching to you about
does it because his instructor did
how I believe you should do it, I’ll
it. If you peel back enough layers,
just ask a follow up question. Does
what you will realize is that someyour “Late Student Policy” line up
where up the lineage, there was an with your vision and goals for your
instructor who didn’t speak English studio, and does it leave the stuand therefore taught in his own
dent ready to have an awesome
language. What happened next?
Everyone who taught for him spoke
Dojo Digest • April 2014