April Spotlight | Page 7

WSCA Spotlight
www . wsca . org
2022 - April - 7
From the Committees
www . wsca . org
2022 - March - April - 7

Meeting Minutes

Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent . Sara presented the Judges Committee report and the Judges Committee budget . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Josey Peterson to approve Judges Committee budget . Motion carried unanimously .
There are 39 Judges that paid their renewal fees . Three of the Emeritus Judges have paid the full fee ( Roy Allan , and Bonnie ). Craig , Lynn , and Bonnie have joined the Emeritus list that includes Doug , Linda , Vonnie , and Vee Ann .
2022 Clinic is scheduled for March 5 , 2022 , at Running Aces Hotel . There will be a combination of virtual and in-person attending the clinic .
Judges Committee : Kim Ziegler ( Chair ), Sally Daluge , Matthew Saterbak ( Judges rep .), Shannon Jones , Julie Gintner ( BOD ), Sara Schwartz , Bill Freitag .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Creating a new handout for the Royalty Court . Printed a new WSCA banner . Working with Anthony on the new rollout of the digital Spotlight .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Nothing to report .
Procedures : Sandy Strube / Sara Schwartz Reviewing the High Point tabulation procedure , thank you notes , Royalty , and sub committees under Marketing .
Sent out Qualifications Procedure to Ev . The Board reviewed the changes . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Amber Duncanson to approve the changes in Qualifications Procedure except for the stricken line Part 1 Section3 . Motion carried unanimously .
Sandy , Sara , Dani , Bridget , and Lori reviewed the Publicity Procedure . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Steve Bobzin to approve the changes to the Publicity Procedure . Motion carried unanimously .
Bridget and Sandy are looking for the background history and beginning of Royalty .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : The Royalty Court attended Cowgirl luncheon in Jordan and handed out autograph cards that Rachel designed . Also handed out flyers on where to find On Deck . Later that day , they attended Winter Carnival Parade . In February , they have every weekend booked and will be very busy . Will be attending banquets , Arena Trailer Sales open house , and Skijoring at Canterbury Park .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns The Royalty Clinic will be on April 10 th , 2022 , at the American Legion . Anthony will make the forms live . Rachel is also working getting the forms out on social media . Would still like to set up a second clinic . Still working on the banquet , would like to still have it at the Mermaid . Costs are increasing so Bridget will have to report back on this . Committee members are Rachel Duenow and William Laptuta .
Bridget presented the Royalty budget . Motion made by Julie Gintner , seconded by Amber Duncanson to approve the Royalty Budget . Motion carried unanimously .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd Hopefully sending the new Rule Book to the printer by Friday . Last year it cost $ 3,000 for printing 1,500 Rule Books .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner Presented the budget . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Steve Bobzin to approve the Scholarship Budget . Motion carried unanimously .
Application will be in the March and April Spotlight and will also be on the web pages . The due date is May 2 nd , 2022 . You must be a member of WSCA to apply for the Scholarship . You can be a new graduate or continuing your education .