April Gold Star Edition 1 | Page 4

 Wha t to A Add a rug dd? , lam p, table to a sofa set  A dd H DMI cabl and e, soun d ba r to TV p urch ase and Mission Addition Good salesmanship and quality service go hand-in-hand with complete customer satisfaction. That means your job is not over after your awesome product demonstration. There is something else missing other than the close. Do you have a guess? Maximize the sale to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Remember, your customers don’t know what they don’t know. You are the expert guide. Assume the sale and suggest add-ons your customer may want or need. It is an important part of your job as salesperson. Otherwise, your store would hire clerks. Next in line! Stay tuned for new training materials coming your way for quick reference add-on options. 3