In the literature devoted to Engineering Surveying there are actually a few comprehensive specialized works , dedicated entirely to Engineering Surveying . However , there are a lot of those dedicated to specific applications of Engineering Surveying . They have found to a large extent their place in the offered work , of course together with the modern regulatory base .
In Books 3 , as well as in the already issued two books – 1 and 2 , the decimal numbering system is used . Due to the large number of titles and their multiple stages , for the sake of clarity , an original simplification has been made here by introducing sequentially a four-stage numbering as in our previously mentioned Books 1 and 2 . It consists in introducing the conventional four-stage numbering , applying if necessary , new additional one or two four-stage numbering in the cases , when it has to be exceeded .
In books 3 however , the individual sections had to be formatted independently in terms of numbering of reference literature , figures , tables and formulas due to the complexity and multifarious nature of continuous numbering . Such a problem actually arises here as with quoting text titles , although not quite often . So , except for the accepted rule for citing from one book to another , for the five books , new moments of citing appear here for quoting from one section to another in books 3 . It is accepted to place the number of the section before the cited number of a figure , table , formula , reference literature . For example , if it is necessary to cite Fig . 56 of section 3.6 – bridges , in some other section , citing in the other section has the form Fig . 3.6-56 , respectively Table 3.6-5 , formula 3.6-35 , reference literature source [ 3.6-25 ]). In this way the identity is ensured .
The authors acknowledge their gratitude to the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria for issuing the book under its auspices , as well as for the assistance and support rendered for the preparation and realization of the book . We also thank BAS and SRTI ( the books are placed in the internet page of the institute ) for their support . We acknowledge our gratitude to the reviewers Corr . Mem . Prof . D . Sc . Dr Arch . Atanas Kovachev and the co-reviewer Assoc . Prof . Dr Eng . Veneta Kotseva { and in addition for her review and improvement of part of the manuscript of book 3 ( 3.2 )}, to Assoc . Prof . Dr Eng . Todor Kostadinov and Dr Eng . Ivan Kalchev { books 3 ( 3.1 ), 3 ( 3.2 ), 3 ( 3.3 )} for the positive reviews of the book and to M . Sc . Econ . Ilian Panchev for the efficient collaboration in solving problems with the computer preparation of the books . Our gratitude is also expressed in some sections to other colleagues with contribution to the realization of the topics . Special thanks to Prof . Dr Eng . Keranka Vasileva for the comprehensive comparative review and her suggestions for improving books 3 ( 3.2 ) and 3 ( 3.3 ).
We owe special gratitude to Eng . Kristina Galabova for the unreserved and active cooperation in preparing the tables , formulas and most of the figures for press , compiling the indices , etc ., as well as to Svetla Pankova and Eng . Ivanka Koleva for elaborating the title page of the book and to Eng . Ekaterina Krusteva for translating parts of the book to English .
Sofia , March , 2022 The authors