Book 3 “ Construction of linear objects , buildings , facilities and installation of technological equipment . Plans of the built complex objects ” is issued , as already mentioned , in three separate books – 3 ( 3.1 ), 3 ( 3.2 ) and 3 ( 3.3 ).
They are part of the Applied Geodesy project of the authors , consisting of three parts : 1 . Engineering Surveying , 2 . Natural scientific aspect of Geodesy application , 3 . Other applications of Geodesy . The three together treat the versatile application of geodesy .
Part 1 . Engineering Surveying is issued in the form of Book 1 Basics , systems and technologies in Engineering Surveying – 498 p ., and Book 2 Design and implementation of development and master ( physical ) plans – 330 p ., which together with Book 3 ( 3.1 ) Construction of linear objects , buildings , facilities and installation of technological equipment . Plans of the built complex objects – 524 p ., are already in digital form and are distributed by the electronic bookstore [ http :// Biblio . bg ] and in an analog form by the bookstores of UACEG , UMG , SEK bookstore for building literature and others . They are issued by the Avangard Publishing House and are editions of the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria ( Ed . No 978-619-90732 ), supported by BAS and SRTI . Book 3 ( 3.2 ) - 530 pages and Book 3 ( 3.3 ) - 466 pages , bearing the same title as Book 3.1 , will also be distributed there .
The reason for the separate publication of part of the problems of Engineering Surveying in books 3 ( 3.1 ), 3 ( 3.2 ), 3 ( 3.3 ), as already mentioned , is on the one hand : the large volume of the materials on Engineering Surveying ; and on the other hand the specifics and thematic distinguishing of the topics ; the realized for the first time differentiation , systematization , generalization and representation of the modern achievements in this area in the form of systems , methods and technologies ( a basic , indivisible element and a prerequisite – theoretical and practical , for the subsequent realization also of individual specific engineering objects or a complex of them ); the necessity of broader presentation of the issues of research , design , construction , control and studies of the deformations of particular objects or complexes of them , due to the fact that many complex specific problems emerge and have to be solved by the surveyors . Unfortunately , there are a few or no examples and detailed generalizations for this in reference literature . However , the authors consider that it is very useful to summarize the information and experience in this context and to present it to the surveyors , since the experience in engineering surveying is of extreme importance for solving the problems ; and to the broad circle of specialists , working particularly only in this area . Last but not least , its separate publication will make it much easier accessible and convenient for use . This is also enhanced by its realization with the modern possibilities of digital publication and use , including with mobile devices .
Arguments have been pointed out for the publication of Book 3 as three books – books 3 ( 3.1 ), 3 ( 3.2 ), 3 ( 3.3 ).
At the same time there is planned , immediate and inevitable connection between the matter treated here and its specific implementation and the other two books of Part 1 . Engineering Surveying 1 and 2 . The application during construction is implied – the design , tracing and control in the course of the building process , installation and operation of the different types of specific engineering objects and complexes of them . This means that the five books represent a whole , an integral organic entity – Engineering Surveying . Therefore the whole numbering of titles , figures and tables , etc ., is an indivisible part – an element of 1 . Engineering Surveying . This also determines the inclusion of this book further on in a unified digital edition as 1 . Engineering Surveying . In fact , as already noted , it was intended to be included as an indivisible part of it . Something that has not been done so far in the world literature in this area .