Apparel Online India Magazine July 1st Issue 2018 | Page 44
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FIFA World Cup jerseys fetch Bangladesh
business worth US $ 1 billion
Bangladesh had been eyeing big
orders of fan jerseys ahead of
the FIFA World Cup in Russia
(June 14-July 15); and the results
have not been disappointing
either. Up until now, jerseys have
fetched an overwhelming US $ 1
billion in revenue. According to
the latest figures released from
Bangladesh Export Promotion
Bureau, the country earned a
net worth of US $ 2.6 billion from
the export of jerseys, pullovers
and similar items made of cotton
and man-made fibres. This is
being viewed as an exciting
new window of opportunity in
the production of sportswear.
However, the one factor that still
lacks is that the country is about
85 per cent reliant on natural fibre
cotton and produces very little
man-made textile fibre. According
to Mohammad Hatem, first Vice
President of Exporters Association
of Bangladesh, about 100 factories
were involved in the manufacturing
of these jerseys. Insiders say this
was one of the main reasons behind
a surge in export of knitwear items
and apparel items overall during
the last month. In July-May period,
knitwear exports rose 11.48 per
cent to US $ 13.94 billion and
woven garments rose 8.15 per cent
to US $ 14.18 billion. “Compared
to last year, we have seen US $ 1.5
billion growth in knitwear export.
My assumption is that this was
due to the World Cup. This was
about an overwhelming 12 per cent
gain on a year-to-year basis,” he
says. Hatem, who is also a former
Vice President of Bangladesh
Knitwear Manufacturers and
Exporters Association (BKMEA)
and owns MB Knit Fashion, says
he exported 25,000 pieces of
Spain’s fan jerseys, made of man-
made fibre, at US $ 2.55 per item.
Turkey eyes to stiffen textile imports from China
for country's firms
Turkey is eyeing to enforce new
requirements on textile firms
which are importing material from
China. The said discussion took
place in a recently held meeting at
Ankara between economy ministry
officials and textile companies’
representatives. It is pertinent
44 Apparel Online India | JULY 1-15, 2018 |
to mention here that Turkey’s
textile sector is one of the
pillars of the country’s economy.
Reportedly, RMG (readymade
garments) clothing accounted
for around 18 per cent of the
total US $ 157 billion exports last
year. Cuneyt Yavuz, CEO, Mavi
(a jeans retailer) elucidated that
the Government’s vision was to
partly tackle the country growing
account deficit that soared up to
US $ 5.43 billion, recording an
increase of US $ 1.7 billion on
Y-o-Y basis as revealed by Central
Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
The business leaders told the
ministry about the material being
imported from China and being
sold to other countries which
eventually benefits Turkey.
Reportedly, the country imported
a one-fourth of its US $ 10.1
billion of textile imports from
China last year and more than
50 per cent of them were cotton
fabrics and partly finished
products. A CEO who runs over
150 stores in Turkey also said
that the Government has been
asking for extra documents for
imports from China and that is
why most of the textile companies
wanted to meet the ministry to
put forth their problems in front
of the Government. Additionally,
the ministry listened to all the
problems in the meet and said
that they will look into their
decision and even consider
postponing the enforcement till
next year.