Leading chain of discount format stores – Brand Factory – owned by Future Group , is targeting to have a GMV ( Gross Merchandise Value ) of Rs . 500 crore by the end of its threeweek-long campaign .
Plying on the concept of ‘ Unbranded to Branded ’, the campaign was initially planned for just one week which has now been extended to three weeks owing to a GMV generation of Rs . 350 crore in first two weeks itself . “ We will cross Rs . 500 crore GMV mark ,” Suresh Sadhwani , CEO , Brand Factory observed . He elaborated , “ On an average , we have serviced around 1 lakh
customers every day across our 69 outlets during the campaign .”
Under the campaign , Brand Factory has been giving out discount vouchers worth Rs . 150 to Rs . 400 in exchange of unbranded clothes brought in by the customers . These
vouchers can then be redeemed along with flat 50 per cent discount at the Brand Factory outlets during the promotional period . Additionally , Future Group is also planning to dish out more Brand Factory outlets to increase its store |
count from current 69 to 100 in the span of next three months to squeeze the best out of festive rush . Future Group intends to expand exponentially and have a store count of 200-250 by 2022 .
At present , Brand Factory offers more than 200 Indian and international brands at 20-70 per cent discount , 365 days a year at its stores . Merchandise available at Brand Factory stores includes men ’ s formals , casuals , youthwear , womenswear , sportswear , kidswear , footwear , accessories and more . Notably , Brand Factory grabbed Rs . 90 crore business and 5X sales during its ‘ 50 % Anything & Everything ’ sale held last year .