Apparel Online India Magazine July 1st Issue 2018 | Page 43


Brand Factory launches new campaign ; targets for Rs . 500 cr . GMV

Leading chain of discount format stores – Brand Factory – owned by Future Group , is targeting to have a GMV ( Gross Merchandise Value ) of Rs . 500 crore by the end of its threeweek-long campaign .
Plying on the concept of ‘ Unbranded to Branded ’, the campaign was initially planned for just one week which has now been extended to three weeks owing to a GMV generation of Rs . 350 crore in first two weeks itself . “ We will cross Rs . 500 crore GMV mark ,” Suresh Sadhwani , CEO , Brand Factory observed . He elaborated , “ On an average , we have serviced around 1 lakh
customers every day across our 69 outlets during the campaign .”
Under the campaign , Brand Factory has been giving out discount vouchers worth Rs . 150 to Rs . 400 in exchange of unbranded clothes brought in by the customers . These
vouchers can then be redeemed along with flat 50 per cent discount at the Brand Factory outlets during the promotional period . Additionally , Future Group is also planning to dish out more Brand Factory outlets to increase its store
count from current 69 to 100 in the span of next three months to squeeze the best out of festive rush . Future Group intends to expand exponentially and have a store count of 200-250 by 2022 .
At present , Brand Factory offers more than 200 Indian and international brands at 20-70 per cent discount , 365 days a year at its stores . Merchandise available at Brand Factory stores includes men ’ s formals , casuals , youthwear , womenswear , sportswear , kidswear , footwear , accessories and more . Notably , Brand Factory grabbed Rs . 90 crore business and 5X sales during its ‘ 50 % Anything & Everything ’ sale held last year .

WROGN aims to open 200 more outlets in next 3 years

WROGN , the menswear apparel brand , run by Universal Sportsbiz Private Limited ( USPL ), recently opened a new store in Punjab , taking its tally of physical stores to 16 , across the country . The CEO of the company , Anjana Reddy , said that the lifestyle apparel brand aims to have a store presence of around 200 outlets in the next three years .
The fashion label , curated and endorsed by India ’ s national cricket team captain Virat Kohli , is expecting immense growth as it forays into Punjab with the new store . “ We have been aggressively looking to increase our network of stores in the country and this is one step closer towards our goal ,” Anjana said . The new store was launched by actress-model and former Bigg Boss contestant Lopamudra Raut at Elante Mall in Chandigarh .
Speaking at the launch , Lopa said , “ It is fascinating to be involved with a brand which is young , stylish , vibrant and above all associated with the national youth icon Virat Kohli .” Meanwhile , shedding light on its current work plan , Anjana informed that the company is focusing on a multichannel approach that will let its customers have a smooth shopping experience . www . apparelresources . com | JULY 1-15 , 2018 | Apparel Online India 43