Apparel Online India Magazine July 1st Issue 2018 | Page 25

H2F and every product is inspected and we ensure that there is no compromise on the quality,” avers Kumaravel. THE PREMIER GROUP COMPRISES OF 7 SPINNING UNITS (AROUND 4,00,000 SPINDLES), AND 2 WEAVING MILLS OF 140 LOOMS. Premier does almost half of its business in hospitality through importers and rest for retailers through importers and liaison offices. “In past couple of years, market has been a little rough. Retailers have been hard-hitting in terms of price negotiations, so we have been keeping a close eye on costs. We supply mainly to the US and have noticed that a lot of business is moving to India from Pakistan and China, so prices of raw material is going up in India. In these conditions, we try to keep our prices low and innovate products that fit into buyers’ price bracket; for this we play around with thread counts, weaves, blends, to sharpen the prices and give a quality product, but at a defined price point,” he says. The company's strong back gives it ability to provide customers with impeccable service in terms of quality, reliability and timely delivery at competitive rates. It is for this reason they have been able to cater to some of the top brands in the world. “We believe in maintaining relationships and we have been working with most of our customers from longest of time. The time spent with our customers give us a unique advantage; we work with them to fill any gaps and by far it’s a success, we increase our business by adding new programmes with our existing buyers,” reasons Kumaravel. He further adds, “Our people are our strength, and we value our relationship with our clients. Strategically we are approaching new geographical locations to get new customers. To keep up with the existing market trends, the company participates in shows like Heimtextil in India and Germany and few shows in Latin America, Middle East and in Japan. For the past 16 years, it has been participating in Heimtextil India which has been a good association. As Kumaravel explains, “It is a great meeting point for buyers and sellers. Till now we have been identified as 100 per cent cotton manufacturer, but in the recent years we are trying to bring in new products like new blends, weave proportions, colour base, trends to give ourselves an edge over the competition, as also a bigger brand value, one such innovation is Linacel, a unique blend of Linen and Lyocell. This year’s Heimtextil India display will have two beds on display, one a cotton line for hotel range, and the other on Linacel. And we’ll have a collection of fabrics like Ecora, Ultra Fine cotton, Egyptian cotton, Supima, and more.” As for the future growth prospect, he confidently concludes, “We have been growing consistently and we want to grow in a gradual sustainable way which is our target.” | JULY 1-15, 2018 | Apparel Online India 25