Apparel Online India Magazine January 1st Issue 2019 | Page 9
under heading 5801; allowing the quarterly
filing of return for the small taxpayers having
turnover below Rs. 5 crore; decision to increase
import duty on 76 textile and apparel items,
to mention some. But irrespective of these
decisions, long-term planning and policy
formation is still missing in the Governments
vision and action.
February 16-28
Buyers make business
tough as liquidity
crunch continues
An exporter shared that buyers were becoming
very difficult on payment terms and even the
biggest of buyers did not want to work on LC at
sight. This is really bad news, considering that
the industry is already facing a fund crunch
and an average 8-10 per cent of turnover
value of an exporter is outstanding because
of various reasons from delay in GST refund
to non-payment of RoSL… Now with buyers
preferring LC on DA terms of 30 days onwards,
the situation has become very critical.
they update the industry on trends – in fabric,
garments, technology, accessories etc., but also
serve as a platform for interaction with people
of diverse ideas and getting feelers on how the
markets are moving. In fact, technology fairs
can easily happen after 2/3 years when there is
something new to showcase.
March 16-31
The changing
dynamics of sourcing
March 1-15
Have trade fairs lost
There are too many fairs of the same content
happening…, that too practically back-to-
back. Hence, obviously each fair loses a few
visitations to the other… No one can deny the
importance of attending fairs, as not only do
Fashion is changing so fast that sometimes
it becomes difficult to put the product on
the shelves, before trend goes out of vogue!
The buying offices of international retailers/
brands have over the years also mastered
the art of ‘sourcing’. The issues in domestic
sourcing are many…, and even international
brands selling in India have challenges of
sourcing. Government of India has also
made it very clear that both quality and
price considerations are not compromised
which result in unreasonable exclusion of
domestic suppliers.
April 1-15
Technology adding to
the sourcing matrix
There is increased use of software for design-
related approvals… fast communication
and responsive action have always been
the success mantra for the export trade, | JANUARY 1-15, 2019 | Apparel Online India