Apparel Online India Magazine January 1st Issue 2019 | Page 8

EDITORIAL ROUNDUP 2018 FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’S DESK… A P PA R E L I N D U S T R Y I N P E R S P E C T I V E There was a lot to write about in 2018 from the US-China trade war to failure of Government to support the industry. The growing Indian retail also caught my attention many times over the year, as also the challenges that the industry was going through. Of course, the currency depreciation was a positive news for the exporters, but no real growth parameter in the true sense was noted. In a year full of ups and downs, I made my stand clear on many developments and always tried to be honest in my observations… Your comments and reactions to my editorials are always welcome. January 16-31 New Chairman, old challenges EDITORIAL OBSERVATIONS … The two years of the AEPC Chairman, Ashok Rajani has just come to an end and these past years have been spent addressing one policy- related matter after the other. Ashok is a man of purpose and quick decisions, but was there any time to do something new or different… The new Chairman, HKL Magu, is a thorough gentleman, soft-spoken and polite. I am sure that he is more than capable of handling difficult situations with kid gloves. November 1-15 AO TOP 100, an honest exercise to map the top players of the industry October 1-15 Why have associations softened their stand on Ministry role? Only six months ago, all associations were blazing their guns and accusing the Ministry of doing inadequately for the industry… But lately, they have softened their stand on the Ministry role. Neither new initiatives have been announced, nor have any delegation from any association visited the Ministry to discuss the industry… But several regular buyers have amicably worked around the prices so that their preferred suppliers could withstand the heat. February 1-15 Budget announcements for industry disappoint October 16-31 Is the Industry ready to take on long-term Challenges? With the rupee falling against the dollar to historical lows…, there is a sense of uneasiness. Exporters may have benefited as of now, but this is a false sense of competitiveness… Is the industry making preparations to remain a preferred destination or is it only basking in the currency advantage… it is hard to tell! But what is for sure is that orders are moving out of China and business overall is going to increase... 8 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2019 | In this long journey of following the ups and downs of the apparel industry, Apparel Online has always attempted to walk with the industry providing information and directions that could support the industry in moving forward. AO TOP 100 was conceived 10 years ago as one such attempt to bring to the table 100 export companies that are among the best in India. Of course, the debate on whether these 100 companies are in fact the country’s top 100 in terms of turnover is a continuous one… GOVERNMENT/POLICY … The recently announced budget has been a disappointment again. Increasing the budgetary allocation from the existing Rs. 6,222 crore of last year to Rs. 7,148 crore is nothing but just hogwash. The Government claims that in order to reduce the tax burden on MSMEs, the corporate tax has been reduced to 25 per cent which will benefit 99 per cent of the textiles sector as it’s primarily in the MSME segment. I believe the Government could have reduced the corporate tax for smaller players…, as they may be just 200 or little more. August 1-15 Many policy decisions…, but no long-term planning Recent days have seen some major announcements being made by the Government, including the refund of accumulated Input Tax Credit at fabric stage; rates cut on Chenille fabrics and other fabrics