Apparel Online India Magazine January 1st Issue 2019 | Page 12

MIND TREE ROUNDUP 2018 MIND TREE SELECT I N D U S T R Y R E A C T S T O H OT T O P I C S I N D E B AT E Q: How do you see Government’s stand and support over this turbulent year… Is restoring duty drawback (DBK) rates the only solution? January 16-31 Ganesh Babu M., MD, Sudarsan Clothing, Tirupur – It is imperative that the Government restores the old duty drawback (DBK) system in order to revive the apparel export sector. Half of the suppliers do not pay their GST in time, while the other half do not receive bills on time. Removing the DBK system before signing of the FTA is an abuse of exports resulting from overestimation of FDI. Q: Recently, Ministry of Textiles has announced a Scheme for Capacity Building in Textiles Sector (SCBTS) for skill development of Rs. 1300 crore. Your take… Q: Prices in China are increasing… India is importing big chunk of trims/accessories from China, have you noticed any impact…? March 1-15 HKL Magu, Chairman, AEPC, Gurgaon – Yes, overall costing in China is increasing due to increase in wages; but as far as increase in the price of trims is concerned, there is no impact. Our company uses 70 per cent of imported trims and does not buy only from India, but also from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc... Q: How supportive are buyers in today’s challenging time, considering that they too are facing many market pressures? March 16-31 February 1-15 KK Thomas, Director, Avid Apparels, Noida – Skill development is required for the industry. But need of the hour is to keep the industry running and for which price is the most important factor. If India is not competitive enough in the international market in terms of prices, buyers will go to other countries. This will lead to decline in exports, unemployment and closing down of many export industries. Q: January witnessed some important trade shows, like IIGF, Delhi; Heimtextil, Germany; Hong Kong Fashion Week; GTE, Delhi to mention some. Can we say that ‘positivity’ is coming back to the industry at least for this year? February 16-28 Pradeep Nahata, MD, Karni Exports, Jaipur – We recently participated in the IIGF fair and were very disappointed as it was a routine fair. Changes may come as situation will be clearer after June and July. Europe which was low from many years has finally picked up buyers. China is picking up well as medium-level buyers are sourcing from there. In prints, ‘80s and ‘90s are gaining popularity, and this is our strength too. 12 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2019 | Siva Sankar, MD, Exel Sourcing Company, Tirupur – Few buyers and brands do support us by means of offering sourcing solutions and some of the welfare initiatives. But still the challenges we face are quite extensive…, particularly in this post-GST era. But if we look from their perspective, they compare Indian suppliers with other GSP countries’ suppliers and are trying to get the prices agreed upon which is really difficult. Q: With fashion becoming season-less, some Indian exporters are now manufacturing for the international market round the year. What are you doing to get business round the year? April 1-15 Raja M Shanmugham, President, Tirupur Exporters’ Association, Tirupur – It is not easy to have 12 months business, especially in the current difficult scenario. All stakeholders should have continuous dialogue with policy makers, identify the gap hub-wise and fill the same. Hub-specific research and support can also be formalised through these dialogues. Infrastructure improvement should be our top priority as it’s all about timely delivery and a developed infrastructure. Our ministers should push for FTAs also.