Apparel Online India Magazine April 1st Issue 2019 | Page 44
Pano Export, Tirupur, ties up with Singapore-based
Macti; expects 50 per cent growth
Completing 20 years of its
establishment, Pano Export,
Tirupur has recently added
new overseas buyers with
itself. The company is also
aggressively looking to expand
its reach in the domestic
market. EP Venugopalan,
Partner of the export house
shared with Apparel Online,
“Just four months ago, we did
a joint venture with Singapore-
based Macti and few small
consignments have already
been dispatched to them. In
EP Venugopalan, Partner, Pano Export, Tirupur
near future, big orders will
also be completed. The buyer is
sourcing all kinds of apparels,
be it knitted, woven, workwear
and much more variety.”
Having capacity of more than
70,000 pieces per month, Pano
Export is into manufacturing
of knitted as well as woven
products for all segments be it
for ladies, mens or kidswear.
Expecting minimum 50 per
cent growth in the current
fiscal, the company is working
for Diesel and few UK-based
brands. With its three stores
in south India, it has a target to
have a strong domestic presence
with a good number of its own
stores. “We are keen for domestic
market as there are lot of
opportunities. Recently, I visited
Apparel Sourcing Week (ASW)
too regarding the same. I am
now geared up to increase our
store count,” he added. The
company does have plans to
increase its production capacity
in future. “If things move
according to our planning, we
will install new machines too,”
Venugopalan concluded.
Texport Industries: Case Quantum Knits again
filed against GM
wins K-Mart Australia's
‘Supplier of the Year
Texport Industries, Bangalore,
recently witnessed conflict
between workers and mid-level
management. The mainstream
media reported that over 200
female garment employees of
Texport Industries at Peenya
were on a strike against their
General Manager and other staff
members for allegedly physically
assaulting, intimidating and
outraging the modesty of a
36-year-old colleague, Pramila
Ramesh. In the afternoon of the
incident, Pramila went to meet
the GM to request for a leave, but
the latter beat her up along with
some of his men. Although some
workers confirmed that they saw
her screaming and running out of
the building, but denied that they
witnessed any assault; though
the workers began their snap
strike the same day. Making it
worst, the Rajagopalnagar police
refused to register the case until
the members of the Karnataka
Garment Workers Union
intervened. The police finally
booked GM Shashi Kumar Shetty
under Sections 506 (criminal
44 Apparel Online India |
In discussion with
Apparel Online,
spokesperson of the
company shared, “There
was no strike and it
was just a disciplinary
matter due to work-
related argument. Work
was not affected at all.
As far as the matter of
Shashi Kumar Shetty is
concerned, a committee
will see to it and submit
the report in 30 days.”
intimidation), 504 (intentional
insult with intent to provoke breach
of peace), 323 (voluntarily causing
hurt) and 354 (sexual harassment)
of IPC. “The female employees
have been complaining about
harassment in the past in writing
and putting them in Complaint
Box’ inside the factory. There are
more than 200 complaints in this
suggestion box, which have not
been even looked into, and even
just keep disappearing from the
box,” a woman garment worker at
the factory stated.
APRIL 1-15, 2019 |
For continuously second time,
Quantum Knits (a unit of KPR
Mills) has won the ‘Supplier of
the Year Award’ from K-Mart
Australia. Quantum Knits,
Coimbatore has been selected as
the best among more than 500
apparel manufacturers of India,
Bangladesh, China, Vietnam and
Cambodia. On-time delivery, right-
first-time pass rate, quality and
green-rated technical audits were
the main parameters taken into
consideration for the selection.
Dhanabalan S, VP– Garment
Exports, Quantum Knits received
the award from K-Mart team. The
senior team of Kmart Australia
Limited including Ian Bailey, MD;
Arjun Puri, Director-Sourcing;
Asker Laubjerg, Head of Apparel
Sourcing; Jiten Bellani, Senior
Regional Manager (Sourcing
& Merchandising) and many
more members of K-Mart were
present on this occasion, called
“It’s a big achievement for
us and we are grateful to
K-Mart Australia. The entire
team of Quantum Knits
has contributed its best to
achieve this milestone.”
– Dhanabalan S
the, Kmart Supplier Conference
and Partnership Event, held in
Hong Kong. Producing kidswear,
menswear and womenswear
(totally knits), Quantum Knits is
a 11-years-old supplier of Kmart
Australia. Under the leadership of
its Chairman, K.P. Ramasamy,
KPR Mills is continuously
moving forward. Quantum Knits
is a leading vertical company with
around 20,000 employees and has
an annual turnover of US $ 180
million. Out of its total business,
about US $ 30 million is with
K-Mart Australia.