The Church Library Ministry carries out the mission of the local church by providing information through
media for disciple making, worship, ministry, evangelism, and fellowship that results in church growth,
spiritual transformation, ministry expansion, and Kingdom advancement. Local meetings for the church
library workers were held in 2018 including meetings that were hosted by Philippi Baptist, an offsite
meeting at Golden Corral and Brainerd Hills Baptist Church.
During the February meeting, it was cold outside but our theme was “What’s Hot for 2018” as we
planned for the New Year’s meetings, reading clubs, VBS and the upcoming library workshops.
During April, we joined Hamilton County for book reviews at the Lifeway store at Hamilton Place. In
May, our Bradley Baptist Church Library workers met at Thompson Springs Baptist Church for a
presentation provided by the Cleveland FBC on Developing a Library Dream Team.
Once again, several of our churches in the Bradley Baptist Association Library Ministry participated in an
Association-wide winter adult reading club during the first quarter of 2018. Various children’s summer
reading programs were coordinated across the county. We were blessed with many readers during the
summer which kept our librarians really busy as well as very happy serving their readers.
Several churches attended the Tennessee Baptist Southeast Tennessee Library Team Training in
September which was hosted by Brainerd Hills Baptist Church. The event included library experts from
Lifeway, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee which provided a great day of information and training.
We continue to be blessed with some of the most beautiful and well organized libraries in the southeast
ministering right here in Cleveland and Bradley County. Your local church library can provide ministry
opportunities to the unsaved; discipleship for the believers; provide services to toddlers & preschoolers,
homeschoolers, latchkey kids, shut-ins, homebound, and caregivers; and provide resources for AWANA,
missions groups, Sunday School, children’s church, VBS, music ministry, visitation, expectant and new
parents, grandparents, ministers, deacons and their wives, teachers, divorce recovery, grief recovery and
much more. For information on how to begin or renew a library ministry in your church, please contact
Janice Baker at 423.618.1312. We look forward to working with the area church library workers in the
coming year for His glory.
Janice Baker, Director
Bradley Baptist Association Church Library Ministry
Over the past year Bold Going Jail Ministry has worked very hard to help bring people to know Jesus
Christ as their Lord & Savior. Herb Conley and, Lynn Dykes have retired due to health reasons. Ed
Sadowski and Dave Thomas are sharing Herb's former responsibilities. Karen Thomas is now handling
Lynn Dykes' previous responsibilities. Listed below are approximately what was done over this last year.
Bibles handed out to inmates were around 300. • # Saved – 167 • # Rededicated – 174 • Total = 341
Karen Thomas
Bold Going Jail Ministry