5. Randy Bonner announced Disaster Relief training at First Baptist Cleveland on September 9 th -
10 th .
6. Love Your City will occur in September. Participating churches will choose one Saturday in
September to love their community through acts of kindness and servant evangelism.
7. Phil Taylor reported the Romania mission trip went well. It was mostly a City Church project and
it seems it will transition to be a City Church partnership as Pastor Todd Stevison has been
building a disciplining relationship with Pastor Horia.
8. Many from the Mexico Mission Team are ill…pray for them.
9. Meadowview Baptist Church applied for membership in April. We are seeing more interest in
joining our network.
10. For this year’s annual meeting we will only have a short business session and forgo the evening
celebration service. Instead, we will move that service to December for a banquet and special
night of appreciation to our pastors and staff.
11. A special thank you to David Hewitt for six years of service. David will be leaving in July to take a
new job.
12. Steven Johnston closed in prayer.
August 10, 2016
1. The Ministry Development Team met on Wednesday, August 10 th at 10:00am at the CrossNet
Baptist Network office with10 members present.
2. Phil Taylor led the devotion on Hebrews 12:1-4. Team members named their witness in the
clouds (this was a special person you looked to as the founder of your faith).
3. It was reported that five were saved at Jamming on the Greenway.
4. Prayer requests were given and Christy Johns led a profound prayer.
5. Steven Johnston gave a Baptist Collegiate Ministry report. August 28-September 1 is welcome
week at the BCM. Fifty students and some new friends will be going to the beach. Coming
events are listed on the back of the cards that were handed out. The BCM is being inspected by
the state inspector. We can no longer have pot luck. Money can be given…$200 typically feeds
50 students, if prepared at the BCM.
6. Tara Waldrop announced there would be a Christmas Shoe Box luncheon at First Baptist
Cleveland on Thursday, September 22 nd . RSVP if you plan to attend.
7. Randy Bonner gave updates on Ocoee Outreach, Washington, DC fall trip, Disaster Relief and
Love Your City. Seventy projects were completed this summer with many block parties which
included Dalton Pike and First Etowah. First Baptist Cleveland helped Big Spring with their block
party by giving out backpacks filled with school supplies and Steve Morgan shared the gospel.
8. Randy Bonner told a story about Greg, an Ocoee Outreach homeowner, who was led to Christ
along with family members.
9. A leaders meeting for Love Your City will be Monday, August 22 at CrossNet at 6:30pm.
10. Disaster Relief Training will be September 9-10 at First Baptist Cleveland. Registration is
11. Mike Powers, a member of Clingan Ridge, will begin work at CrossNet on Monday, August 29 th .
12. Pastor and Staff Christmas Banquet is scheduled for Thursday, De3cember 1 st . Tim Lovelace will
be our special guest.