1. The Ministry Development Team met Tuesday, February 2 nd at 10:00am at the BBA with eleven
members present.
2. Devotion was led by Phil Taylor taken from Psalms 37:5.
3. Old items were discussed and announcements made.
4. Stephen Johnston gave a Baptist Collegiate Ministry report. A dinner was held at the CSCC for
the nurse’s class. Professionals in the medical occupation were in attendance.
5. Randy Bonner gave the Ministry Evangelism Report on the Spring Break Washington, DC trip;
Ocoee Outreach; Love Your City; Waterfront Church and a possible church plant in Etowah.
6. Phil Taylor will meet February 4 th with the Administrative Leadership Team to discuss an
agreement to have time off to help care for his parents in Virginia.
7. Prayer request were made.
8. Jamie Work painted a picture for a Planting Institution for the BBA. This would train people to
nurture churches that are without leadership.
9. Shane Crister of NAMB has asked if we would partner with Las Vegas to help the Hope Church.
At this time, we have enough with our partnership with Washington, DC.
10. Christy Johns and Matt Ward closed with special prayers.
March 1, 2016
1. The Ministry Development Team met Tuesday, March 1 st at 10:00am at the BBA with 12
members present.
2. Randy Bonner shared the story “In the Eye of the Storm.”
3. Prayer Requests were made and Tara Waldrop, Kevin Felton and Randy Bonner lifted them in
4. Minutes of the February 2 nd meeting were read. Eric Atkins made a motion to accept them as
written and Tara Waldrop seconded the motion.
5. Tennessee Baptist Convention wants us to mobilize three disaster relief teams to Flint, MI.
Volunteers must have current credentials.
6. Randy Bonner reported the Waterfront church had 141 in attendance on February 21 st . One
attendee is Senator Harry Reid’s speech writer.
7. Love Your City was discussed.
8. One hundred from six of our churches will be attending the Youth Evangelism Conference on
March 11-12.
9. Pastor Gary Moats of Clingan Ridge shared sixty-six have been saved in the last five months. The
church is focusing on discipleship for the church to move forward.
10. The Hispanic Church has baptized sixty. Their attendance is around 150.
July 13, 2016
1. The Ministry Development Team met on Wednesday, July 13 at 10:00am with 14 members
2. Devotion was led by Phil Taylor on II Timothy 2:2.
3. Prayer requests were given.
4. Steven Johnston gave the Baptist Collegiate Report. A team of eight was sent to Nigeria and
Steven led a team to Canada. Stephen asks for wisdom and prayer to lead his 7 th year at the
BCM to delegate more to students and student leadership.